Scripts in Chatty take the form of plain text files split into individual lines, each line referred to as an event. Each event has it’s own syntax, outlined below.

Dialogue Event

The most important event in all of Chatty, the dialogue event is what drives conversations between speakers. The basic syntax is incredibly simple.

speaker: Dialogue!

Here, speaker is the id of a speaker as listed in the Project Structure, and everything after the colon is whatever appears in the dialogue box. Note that any spaces are trimmed off the edges of the text.

Optionally, an animation can be specified.

speaker, animation: Dialogue!

This changes the portrait used in the dialogue box. If no animation is specified, it defaults to default.

Text Formatting

Chatty supports using bbcode to apply visual styling to text. This is the same as the effects built into Godot’s RichTextLabel node. For a list of all usable bbcode tags, see here.

Some examples include


If you need even more control over how the dialogue box appears, you can use flags to do just that. Flags are specified before the colon in a dialogue event, and take the form of a comma-seperated list.